Provost Announces Leadership Promotions

Today, Dr. Dwight Perry, provost of Moody Bible Institute, announced the appointment of Dr. Winfred Neely to vice president and dean of Moody Theological Seminary, and Dr. Bryan O’Neal to vice president and dean of Moody Bible Institute. Both are Moody alumni and seasoned professors who have served and taught at Moody for nearly a combined 40 years
“The Lord has been working through these humble, servant leaders who take seriously the mission of Moody,” said Perry. “I am thrilled to see Dr. Neely, a man of God who teaches, preaches, and has served as a pastor for 34 years as well as on the mission field in Senegal, West Africa, now leading our seminary to help prepare the next generation of ministry leaders to fulfill their calling. It is also a great joy to have Dr. O’Neal, an experienced professor and theologian, as well as a pastor and church planter, continue to serve out of a proven track record of leadership in equipping our undergraduate school students toward their unique call to ministry.” Perry added, “I am humbled to know that both of these men love, support, and champion our educational vision to seek to equip and train men and women to live on mission regardless of where they receive their paycheck.”
Dr. Winfred Neely, vice president and dean of Moody Theological Seminary.
In his new role, Neely will lead Moody Theological Seminary, which includes campuses in Chicago and Plymouth, Michigan. He will oversee the seminary’s development of curriculum and programs, as well as faculty recruitment and development. “I step into this new season of ministry with a deep sense of God's call and direction,” said Neely. “I am grateful to the Lord for granting me the privilege and responsibility to serve as the vice president and dean of Moody Theological Seminary for such a time as this.” Previous to this, Neely served as chair of the Division of Applied Theology and Church Ministries, as well as program head and professor of biblical preaching.
Dr. Bryan O’Neal, vice president and dean of Moody Bible Institute.
Likewise, O’Neal will oversee Moody's undergraduate school, which includes the Chicago campus and Moody Aviation in Spokane, Wash. In addition to curriculum and recruitment strategy for faculty and academic programs, he’ll support departments such as the library, academic records, financial aid and others who serve the student body. “It is a privilege to serve the Lord and the Church at Moody, and I am grateful for the community of faculty and staff who make this work sweet,” said O’Neal, who is a former theology professor and the vice president and dean of Moody Bible Institute Distance Learning. “I am humbled to serve with the team of leaders around Dr. Perry and Dr. Jobe, and we smile at the future as we embrace this work of education and training as God has called us in this moment.”
Today’s announcement comes after the completion of the second phase in Education’s strategic planning process. The newly appointed roles are part of a larger research-based strategic plan led by the Provost Cabinet that has been in development for the past six months. These appointments are also a response to Moody’s new Education group vision statement, “The education ministry of Moody Bible Institute seeks to train and equip men and women to live on mission regardless of where they receive their paycheck.” This vision further supports the larger vision of President Jobe to double the impact of Moody Bible Institute by 2030.
Dr. Dwight Perry, provost of Moody Bible Institute.
This Strategic Plan is divided into three phases.
- Phase 1: Develop a general framework built on Moody’s need to seek operational efficiency while also creating a leadership restructure that provides operational coverage to cost savings while continuing to provide sound, biblical teaching.
- Phase 2: Share and receive feedback on plan with recommendations from various areas within Moody’s educational and leadership groups. Finalize updated plan and tactics for execution.
- Phase 3: Begin executing the final, approved plan in August, kicking off the 2020 Fall semester.
During the strategic planning process, Moody’s Education group conducted an extended self-evaluation, which included more than 62 one-on-one interviews with full time faculty, five major listening sessions with more than 100 educational staff from all three campuses, three major SWOT analyses with faculty from each campus, market research, and other vital learning activities. Another key area was the analysis of the Education group’s vision and included creating a more nimble educational structure that takes advantage of external opportunities of growth locally and around the world.
“Even before I officially began as provost, the Lord impressed on my heart the need to commit these critical first six months as a season of listening and prayerful discernment,” Perry said. “I came back to serve at Moody Bible Institute because Moody is the foremost training institution in all the world. What we do through radio, publishing, and education contributes to the cause of Christ and equipping women and men to share the gospel all around the world.” He added, “Another great outcome of this strategic planning process was a significant cost savings by being able to conduct the entire research component of the plan in house, as well as promote new leadership to the Provost Cabinet from within Moody.”
Since his appointment as Moody’s new provost in November 2019, Perry has sought to build trust between faculty, staff, and the provost’s office, as well as examine how Moody’s educational ministry functions and ask strategic questions to help set Moody on a trajectory toward optimal growth.
Moody’s Provost Cabinet is now comprised of Dr. Heather Shalley (vice president and dean of Student Enrollment Services), Dr. Tim Arens (vice president and dean of Student Life), Dr. Bryan O’Neal (vice president and dean of Moody Bible Institute), Dr. Winfred Neely (vice president and dean of Moody Theological Seminary), and also newly appointed Mr. Doug Murphy as dean of operations and educational initiatives.
For more information about Moody Bible Institute’s undergraduate school and seminary, please visit