Title IX Review Update
Dear Moody Family,
As part of our commitment to transparent communications with our community, we wanted to let you know that Grand River Solutions completed their Title IX review and submitted their comprehensive report to Moody Bible Institute’s Executive Leadership Team.
We recognize the community is looking forward to hearing more about the findings and recommendations coming out of the investigation, and we are committed to sharing our path forward. To inform that roadmap, we are committed to following a rigorous internal process to fully and thoughtfully review the report and develop plans for implementing Grand River Solutions’ recommendations. Our leadership is beginning an in-depth review process in preparation for a comprehensive discussion with our Board of Trustees.
As promised, we will publicly share Grand River Solutions’ recommendations and our action plan on our website once we complete the process outlined below:
- Step 1: Executive Team reviews the report and develops an initial action plan for implementing the recommendations.
- Step 2: Senior Operating Team (Moody vice presidents) reviews the report recommendations.
- Step 3: Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees reviews the report recommendations.
- Step 4: Presentation of the report recommendations and proposed action plan to the full Board of Trustees at the May 13-14 Board meetings.
- Step 5: Discussion of Grand River Solutions’ recommendations and Moody’s action plan with key departments responsible for implementing action plan.
- Step 6: After the action plan is shared with and feedback received from key departments, the Provost will present it to the undergraduate school and seminary faculty.
- Step 7: Following the faculty meeting, Student Life staff from all three campuses will be provided the recommendations and finalized action plan.
- Step 8: The President and Provost will hold an all-staff meeting and present the recommendations and action plan.
- Step 9: Moody will publish the recommendations and action plan.
We are grateful to Grand River Solutions for the thoroughness of their report and their flexibility in extending the investigation period to allow additional persons to be interviewed. We also want to express our appreciation to those who took time to share their experiences with Grand River Solutions. An understanding of students’ experiences with Moody’s Title IX process and related Student Life conduct process enables us to develop a clear path forward toward enhancing the safety and wellbeing of all students. That path forward will focus on strengthening Moody’s Title IX and related processes, protocols, and approach. As our rigorous internal review concludes later this spring, we look forward to sharing the recommendations and details of our action plan and comprehensive path forward.
Thank you for your continued prayers and patience during this process.
Humbly,Dr. Mark Jobe
Dr. Dwight Perry