Title IX Strategic Commitments Update

13 August, 2021

Dear Moody Family,

As Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary approach the beginning of our 136th academic year, we are providing a brief update regarding our implementation of the 11 strategic commitments we previously announced in response to Grand River Solutions’ final recommendations.

Education leadership, along with the staff and the Title IX department, have been hard at work this summer developing the implementation plan. We are in the process of finalizing our plan for each strategic commitment, and we are currently on track to operationalize these commitments during the next few weeks. In addition, we are seeking to hire a full-time Director of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response / Title IX Coordinator.

Please continue to pray for us as we seek to ensure a safe environment for our entire Moody family.

As a reminder, you can read Grand River Solutions’ final recommendations, Moody’s strategic commitments and all of our community updates at www.moody.edu/titleix/grs-titleix-review/.

May God continue to bless the school that D.L. Moody founded. We look forward to everyone back on campus for the start of our fall semester!

Moody Bible Institute LogoDr. Mark Jobe
Dr. Dwight Perry