Historic Culbertson Hall Renovation Project Underway

This past December, Moody Bible Institute embarked upon a $30-million project to completely renovate the historic, 54-year-old Culbertson Hall on the Chicago campus.

A significant milestone for this project was the use of a 222-foot telescoping boom crane on January 17 to deliver mechanical systems and vital construction supplies to the roof of the 20-story building.
Affectionally known as “Culby,” the building is named after Dr. William Culbertson, Moody’s fifth President, who served from 1947 to 1970. He went to be with the Lord in 1971. Culbertson remains Moody’s largest residence hall and is one of three on the Chicago campus. It has been home to more than 20,000 male students since it was first commissioned in 1970.

The long-awaited renovation was announced last August, and is one of Moody’s largest in its 137-year history. The project is scheduled to be completed the middle of next July, just in time to welcome students back for the fall 2024 semester. Although Culbertson will be closed throughout the renovation, through a partnership with a private residential building adjacent to the campus, as well as former Dyer Hall being temporarily reinstated, Moody was able to provide housing for Culbertson Hall student residents throughout the entire spring 2024 semester.
When completed, the 175,000-square-foot building will be transformed into a modern residence hall for students. In addition to mechanical system upgrades, it will feature completely renovated rooms, elevator lobbies, kitchens, restrooms and other spaces. While once a male residence hall, it will also house returning and incoming female students on specific lower floors (there will be no mixed-gender floors or living quarters).
“The Lord has been incredibly faithful all these years in providing a campus in the heart of Chicago with ample space for our students to live, learn and minister,” said Dr. Mark Jobe, president of Moody. “Through God’s incredible provision, we are re-imagining and creating a state-of-the-art, urban campus for our students to enjoy for decades to come. This particular renovation is a much needed ‘home improvement’ project and an integral part of our ongoing strategic investments in our infrastructure and beautification of campus.”

In 2019, Moody announced a multi-year plan to sell 10 acres of real estate mostly located west of Wells Street, across from Moody’s main campus. Because Moody owned these properties outright, without debt, the nearly $200 million in net sale proceeds are being reinvested in campus upgrades, new facilities, long-term reserves and education endowments.
As part of the overall campus improvements and beautifications, Moody has also replaced all the furnishings in Houghton Hall, a female residence hall on campus. Plans for a new athletic, wellness and ministry center on the main campus east of Wells Street are currently being reviewed as well. This state-of-the-art space will provide a modern, multi-use facility for student athletics, fitness, intermural sports, student gatherings and allow Moody to continue community-based ministries in partnerships with local faith-based community outreach organizations.
Photos of Culbertson’s renovation will continue to be available on Moody Bible Institute’s Facebook page.
A re-commissioning ceremony for Culbertson Hall in August is being planned, as well as tours and a time of celebration during Founder’s Week (October 23 – 25). As plans are finalized, they will be announced via Moody’s news web page and social media channels.
For more information about the Culbertson Hall renovation project, as well as to partner with Moody and share your story if you’re an alum, please visit the Culby Renovation web page.