Moody Bible Institute Inaugurates Tenth President

Watch a rebroadcast of the Presidential Inauguration of Dr. Mark Jobe, Moody Bible Institute's 10th president. (Dr. Jobe's inaugural address, in which he shares his 2030 vision for Moody, begins at the 1:05:00 mark.)
Before staff, faculty, and students, alongside dignitaries and delegates from other colleges and universities, Dr. Mark Jobe was inaugurated as Moody Bible Institute’s president. He is the tenth since Moody’s founding in 1886 by D.L. Moody.
The historic occasion began with Moody’s faculty members, Board of Trustees and officers entering Torrey-Gray Auditorium to the song, “Processional on Lauda Anima” (“Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven”). Following the processional led by organist Dr. H. E. Singley, faculty emeritus at Moody, was Dr. Rosalie de Rosset, professor of communications at Moody, who gave the invocation.
In addition to the more than 1,800 in attendance, 6,000 viewers joined by livestream, representing 30 countries.
A reading from Hebrews 13:1-21 was given by Dr. Steve Sanchez, Moody’s chair of Bible and theology, followed by customary words of greeting for an inauguration by student body president, Sara Nimori, along with Dr. Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College, and Scott Grzesiak, executive director and cofounder of GRIP Outreach for Youth. Dr. Pam MacRae and Tim Downey provided a welcome from Moody faculty, while the executive director of the Alumni Association, Nancy Hastings, represented the more than 49,000 living alumni of Moody around the world.
“Dr. Jobe, through your unwavering emphasis of the soul work we’re trained to carry out here daily, you are showing us how to love the simple parts of the faith that brought many of us to this school in the first place.”—Moody Bible Institute student body president, Sara Nimori.
As is customary for the inauguration of a president, a charge was given. At the request of Dr. Jobe, Dr. Joseph Stowell, Moody’s president from 1987 to 2005, delivered the charge. Dr. Stowell currently serves as president of Cornerstone University. His remarks focused on five things for Dr. Jobe to remember in his role as president.
- Your function is a steward.
- You are a servant.
- You are needy.
- You are a follower of Jesus.
- Remember what’s most important.
“Mark, we love you, and are so happy that you are president," said Dr. Stowell to Dr. Jobe. Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 15, he concluded, “Don’t be weary in well doing. Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work in the Lord for your labor is not in vain in Him.”
Following Dr. Stowell’s charge to Dr. Jobe, chair of Moody’s Board of Trustees, Randy Fairfax, along with Dr. Paul Nyquist, Moody’s president from 2009 to 2018, placed Moody’s insignia upon the shoulders of Dr. Jobe. The insignia features a medallion that contains an adaptation of Moody Bible Institute’s official seal on the front, and a list of the previous presidents and their years of service on the back.
“I am humbled and deeply honored to have the opportunity this morning, along with our ninth president, Dr. Paul Nyquist, to place the insignia of Moody Bible Institute upon your shoulders, as you are installed today as the tenth president in our 133-year history,” said Fairfax to Dr. Jobe. After encouraging him from Isaiah 41:10, he added, “As much as this historic occasion is focused on the Lord’s charge to you, as God’s people, we, too, are charged at this hour to support and pray for you as you lead us forward. We also commit to pray for your dear wife, Dee, whom we love, honor, and appreciate.”
Chair, Randy Fairfax, led in a prayer of dedication while trustees laid hands on Dr. Jobe.
After expressing his appreciation and gratitude for the welcome and support he has received since coming on as president, Dr. Jobe in his inaugural address spoke about three timeframes—the history of Moody Bible Institute, its present, and the future. “Our history tells us what our roots are; our present tells us what our challenges are; our future tells us what opportunities we can grasp,” said Dr. Jobe, whose tenure began on Jan. 2, 2019.
“We see ourselves as becoming the premier Christian leadership pipeline to the world, a place that trains the next generation of effective and prepared Christian leaders that are making an impact and shaping our world,” said Dr. Jobe. He added, “Equipping men and women of character that are biblically-grounded, gospel-centered, faith-filled, practically equipped to immediately be agents of change in our world whatever their career or call is. Our greatest strength is equipping; our greatest passion is the gospel.”
With a focus of doubling Moody’s impact by 2030 through its education, radio, and publishing ministries, Dr. Jobe said, “I believe Moody’s most compelling years are ahead of us, not behind us. I said ‘yes’ to becoming the tenth president of Moody because I believe we are uniquely positioned to make a difference in (Chicago), our nation, and this world, like few places before us.”
Dr. Jobe concluded his inaugural address on his knees by expressing his commitments to the staff, faculty, students, alumni, leadership and partners of Moody.
Before coming to serve as president of Moody, Dr. Jobe served as the founding pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago for 32 years. He and his wife, Dee, have seen the church grow from a handful of people to approximately 7,000 who meet at 27 locations throughout the Chicagoland area and in eight cities internationally. He is also the founder of New Life Centers, an organization focused on helping youth in underserved areas of Chicago.
Of the 10 presidents since the ministry was founded by D. L. Moody in 1886, Dr. Jobe ’84, MA ’98, is the second Moody alumnus to have held the office. Dr. George Sweeting, who served as president from 1971 to 1987, was the first.
For more information about the life and ministry of Dr. Mark Jobe, read his online biography.